Breast Augmentation (Boob Job)

Breast Augmentation (Boob Job)

Breast augmentation surgery is an operation that enlarges the breasts with breast implants or fat transfer. By enlarging the breasts, the dimensions are symmetrical and gain volume. it will come back to you as a more confident, more attractive appearance and a happy life.

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Accommodation 7 Days
Hospital Staying 1 Day
Operation Duration 2-5 Hours
Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Full Recovery Duration Up to 2 weeks
Follow Up Visit 7th Day

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What to expect from Breast Augmentation (Boob Job) treatment?

Breast augmentation with silicone prosthesis stands out as a useful and permanent method that has been used for years. Every individual who does not have a serious disease is a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. There may be some pain, bruising and swelling after the surgery. Your doctor will share with you the necessary information for the post-operative period. The steps your doctor told you should be followed exactly. After full recovery, it remains to enjoy and feel comfortable in your swimsuits, bikinis and favorite clothes.



How long does it take to fully recover from boob job surgery?

Some of us may want to ask this as follows; How painful is breast augmentation recovery? To answer quickly; Full recovery from breast surgery takes between 5 and 7 weeks. Factors that prolong or shorten this process are the size of the implant, its placement, the recovery speed of the patient's skin, and the surgical skill.

Now let's consider the whole process;

  •  First 24 hours after the operation

The effect of anesthesia will pass within 1-2 hours immediately after the operation. Afterwards, you will be taken care of in the hospital room for the first night. During these first 24 hours, you may experience extreme tenderness or loss of tenderness in the breasts, moderate fatigue, pain, swelling and bruising. It will be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers and muscle relaxants. Don't worry, all of this will soon be over.

  •  First week after the operation

In the first week, these pains and complaints will decrease. As you enter the second week, you will start to return to your daily activities with the guidance of your doctor. Of course, this does not mean that you can do sports and lift weights. You still have to be very careful during this process.

  • 3 to 4 weeks after the operation

The swelling in your breasts will decrease and the bruises will tend to disappear. At the same time, your pain and complaints will be greatly reduced. Let us remind you that continuing to wear the bra recommended by your doctor after the surgery can support your comfort and accelerate recovery. You can start exercising by consulting your doctor.

  • 4 to 6 weeks after the operation

In this process, you are expected to see your full recovery. Your breasts will look natural and as you desire, and you can continue with your daily activities and exercises. It is recommended that you do your final checks together with your doctor.

When can I go braless after augmentation?

After a 6-week recovery period in breast augmentation surgery, you will not need a bra. We would like to remind you that the condition for this is full recovery. You can do your daily activities without a bra by consulting your doctor when to stop wearing a bra.

How much is a Boob Job surgery in Turkey?

Boob job surgery cost in Turkey is seen at more affordable prices compared to many countries in the world. In fact, we can say that the highest quality service is available at the best prices in Turkey, Istanbul. It is possible to reach the best surgeons for boob job surgery, because surgeons have world-class training and hospitals have A-class conditions. For exact pricing, we should listen to your requests and negotiate with our surgeon accordingly and make a price offer for you. You can contact us via our contact form easily! Let us remind you, consulting and asking the breast augmentation surgery price is free and always will be.


If you think about Breast Augmentation (Boob Job) surgery in Turkey, contact us!

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